SoSe 25, Bonn
Graduate Seminar on Topology: Tensor-triangular geometry
Markus Hausmann and I are organising a reading seminar on tt-geometry. The syllabus can be found here.
WiSe 24/25, Bonn
Graduate Seminar on Topology: The Adams Spectral Sequence
Liz Tatum and I are organising a reading seminar on the Adams spectral sequence. The first meeting will be on July 18 at 10:00 in room 0.011. The syllabus can be found here. The handout for Talk 3 can be found here.
SoSe 24, Bonn
Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topology: Homological Stability
Supervised the Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topology, (co-organised with Markus Hausmann) on the topic of homological stability. The syllabus can be found here.
TA: Algebraic Topology II
TA’d Algebraic Topology II as taught by Liz Tatum and Jack Davies. All necessary information can be found on Jack’s homepage.
WiSe 23/24, Bonn
Synthetic Spectra and the Even Filtration
Organised a reading seminar on synthetic spectra and the even filtration with Sil Linskens. The syllabus and programme can be found here
Tutor: Algebraic Topology I
Supervised one of the exercise sessions for Algebraic Topology I, taught by Markus Hausmann. The homepage can be found here.